Colorado winters are famous for snowy days and winter sports. Have you ever looked
outside as it is snowing and wondered how exactly snow forms? Well go no further.
Snow needs two things to form, atmospheric moisture and low temperatures.
Evaporated water vapor droplets (gaseous) attach to small particles such as dirt or sand
and freeze into ice crystals in cold temperatures. As ice crystals stick to one another,
they become heavier snow crystals and eventually fall to the ground. One snow crystal
can have up to 200 ice crystals!
Snow is also very important as a seasonal phenomena. Additionally, snow can reflect
sunlight, and keep the earth cool. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center
“Because of its broad spread, the presence, or absence, of snow controls patterns of
heating and cooling over Earth’s land surface more than any other single land surface
Snow is a vital source of water for large regions of the planet. At IX Power Clean Water,
we are very excited for the snow this year. The water that snow provides is a vital
resource in the West. We know how important it is to conserve the precious natural
resources that we have, and actively work to decrease the environmental impact of
humankind. IX Power Clean Water is working to do just that. IX Power Clean Water is
making it possible for industries to affordably treat and clean their wastewater so it can
be reused in a sustainable, closed-loop system. Then, industries don’t have to use our
precious freshwater in their production processes. Find out how IX Power Clean Water
is helping to change industrial water consumption at
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