Water In the Roman Empire

Water In the Roman Empire

Water was of the utmost importance in the Roman Empire, both for practicaland symbolic reasons. The empire, spanning across Europe, Africa, andWestern Asia, relied heavily on water for its vast agricultural, urban, andmilitary operations. Water also played a critical...
Water In Ancient China

Water In Ancient China

Water was of great importance in ancient China, where it played a crucial role in the development of thecountry’s economy, culture, and politics. From the early dynasties to the imperial era, the Chinesepeople had a deep appreciation for the power and beauty of...
California Water Shortage

California Water Shortage

Water Shortage and agriculture in CaliforniaCalifornia, the largest agricultural producer in the United States, is facing asevere water crisis. The state’s population and agricultural industry continueto grow, but the supply of water is becoming more and more...


France seems an unlikely place for the war about water to happen, but police officers have been dispatched to guard giant reservoirs, mostly in the west of the country, built to supply water to farmers in the region. The summer of 2022 was difficult for French...


Have you ever wondered what actually is permafrost? Look no further. According to NASA,“Permafrost is any ground that remains completely frozen—32°F (0°C) or colder—for atleast two years straight. These permanently frozen grounds are most common inregions with high...
Environmental Just Task Force

Environmental Just Task Force

Last year, Colorado lawmakers created the Environmental Justice Action Task Force toresearch how the State of Colorado could better protect the people and communitiesthat are bearing the brunt of the negative impacts from climate change and pollution.So, it’s been a...
Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice has become an integral part of the fight to protect theenvironment. According to the EPA “Environmental justice is the fair treatment andmeaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, orincome, with respect to...
Smoke Rain

Smoke Rain

Did you know that fires can lead to heavy rain? This may sound like an impossibility, how canfire, which is heat, lead to more moisture? Well, scientists found that the California fires duringthe summer of 2022 created massive smoke clouds that travelled across the...
Climate Migration

Climate Migration

Climate change is a defining issue of our time. Global warming changes weather patterns, sealevels, and resource availability, and with it where people can live. Climate migrants and climaterefugees will continue to grow in number as the changes to the environment...