by Liam Smith | Sep 19, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Environment
Of course, water is an essential resource for agriculture, providing irrigation for crops and livestock, andsustaining ecosystems. Agricultural practices can amplify pre-existing issues through pesticides andfertilizers. However, the presence of pollutants in water...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 19, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Drought, Environment, Irrigation, Water Pollution
Water infrastructure in the United States refers to the system of dams, reservoirs, canals, pipes, andtreatment plants that are used to supply, store, and distribute water. This infrastructure is critical forproviding clean drinking water and irrigation for...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 18, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Drought, Environment, Irrigation, Water Pollution
Food, it’s pretty important. With rising grocery bills access to affordable produce has been increasinglyon people’s minds. However, while grocery bills continue to climb, fields in California sit fallow due to alack of water. California is the largest...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 18, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Drought, Environment
Water Shortage and agriculture in CaliforniaCalifornia, the largest agricultural producer in the United States, is facing asevere water crisis. The state’s population and agricultural industry continueto grow, but the supply of water is becoming more and more...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 18, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Drought, Environment
France seems an unlikely place for the war about water to happen, but police officers have been dispatched to guard giant reservoirs, mostly in the west of the country, built to supply water to farmers in the region. The summer of 2022 was difficult for French...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 18, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Irrigation
Drip. Drip. Drip. Yup, you guessed it, another irrigation technique. Now, we will discuss whatdrip Irrigation is. Drip irrigation is another irrigation technique that is used for large crops. Dripirrigation uses tubes or pipes that are buried beneath the soil. The...