by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 18, 2024 | Blog, Drought, Environment
The Western United States experienced a record setting heat wave through Labor Dayweekend. According to NPR, temperatures in Nevada and Utah skyrocketed over 100 degreesFahrenheit. Meanwhile, the heatwave pushed the power supply throughout the West to itsmaximum as...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 18, 2024 | Blog, Uncategorized
The New Deal. You probably learned about the New Deal in middle or high school as PresidentRoosevelt’s (the one without a mustache) plan to get the United States out of the doldrums of the GreatDepression. But have you ever stopped to think of the effect that the New...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 17, 2024 | Uncategorized
Did you know that there is water below the earth’s mantle? Actually, there is about a whole ocean’s worth of water underneath the mantel. Scientists know about this water because of a special rock called ringwoodite. Ringwoodite is a mineral, with a similar structure...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog, Drought, Uncategorized
So the rain has come, what does this mean for the drought?Before we get into what is happening as the rain falls, let’s look at what happens to the groundduring a drought. Soils naturally carry moisture, this moisture spaces out soil particles while also holdingthem...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog, Uncategorized
Colorado winters are famous for snowy days and winter sports. Have you ever lookedoutside as it is snowing and wondered how exactly snow forms? Well go no further.Snow needs two things to form, atmospheric moisture and low temperatures.Evaporated water vapor droplets...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog, Drought, Irrigation
IXWater Reclamation is coming to Central California, and it seems not a moment too soon. After 23 years of severe drought, the town of Coalingua, located north of Bakersfield, will run out of water in early December. City officials originally calculated that Coalingua...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog, Drought
The drought-stricken Colorado River is in critical condition. Almost two years ago, the federal government declared the first ever shortage on the river, triggering cuts to water supplies in the Southwest. Today, the river remains unsustainably low. The Colorado is...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog, Drought
What happens when freshwater runs out? California, and much of the Western United States, is currently having to look for alternative water sources as a combination of population changes, drought, and climate change has created a trifecta that has led to an extreme...
by Eleanor Cabell | Sep 17, 2024 | Blog
When I think of water quality the first things that come to my mind are water treatment, pollution cleanup, but beavers are not my first thought. Yet, beavers can help us to protect waterways from increased levels of nitrogen. First, we need to discuss why increased...
by John R Grizz Deal | Sep 17, 2024 | Agriculture, Blog, Drought
When I’m out hiking, my favorite snack is almonds. When I open the fridge, I see almond milk. Almonds are delicious. Did you know that Kern County in California is the number one region in the U.S. that produces almonds. Yet there is limited water. Over the last 20...